Our Classes

Papa Kukui & Papa Mu’o
(Basics & Intermediate)

Kukui is for enlightenment. The kukui leaf has a bit of light grey-green color when seen in the forest. This class is designed for mothers, grandmothers or those that begin hula as an adult. Papa Kukui students enter hula through 'auana. Papa Mu’o is a stage growth. This class represents the adult beginner in hula.

Saturdays: 10am - 11am **NEW TIME
Fridays 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Papa Laua’e & Kukui ‘Elua

LAUA’E is a fern used in lei adornments. This class is designed for intermediate to advanced dancers and by invitation only. This class enters hula through kahiko.

Saturdays 2PM - 3PM

There are two Keiki classes.

Papa Liko - ages 9-12
(Saturdays 12pm - 1pm)

Papa Kupukupu - ages 5-8
(Saturdays 1pm - 2pm)

Keiki Hula Classes

Book individual classes or private lessons using the link below.